Run for simple solutions
I’ve always been an occasional runner. For years I went for an irregular 5 or 6 km run every two weeks or so. I never enjoyed it much. But since half a year I’m running 8 to 10 km twice a week. And it’s great.
I never thought running would be a topic on my blog, but here’s the thing: when I’m out there sweating, solutions come to me. Things that puzzled my mind for days, suddenly get solved. I get to see things in perspective. Unsolvable design problems land simple answers. Things occur to me. I feel stronger. I feel alive. It’s my runner’s high.
And the great thing is: I don’t run for solutions in the first place. I do it because it makes me feel good.
So next time you’re stuck trying to find a creative solution looking at a computer screen, you know what to do. If work eats you up, get out there. If life gets in the way, go for a run. Quit Facebook and date endorphins. It’s hard when you start out, but it’s very rewarding in the end. It’s the best piece of advice I can give to you right now.